How To Identify Learning Disabilities In Children
Every child has a different learning curve. While some children pick up things quickly, others can find it challenging to grasp the same thing. Most parents are not able to recognise the learning difficulties and disabilities in their children. They often think their kids are dumb or incapable, and it makes the child lose confidence and feel inattentive.
Learning begins when the child talks, reads, writes and solves maths problems. If you witness that your child finds it difficult to learn the alphabet or write them properly or create words and sentences, you must know about learning disabilities. Every one in ten children faces this problem in Australia. You can help them overcome the problem if you recognise it early. Here is what you need to know.
What Is Learning Disability?
Learning difficulty and disability occurs when you notice learning and thinking difference in a child, which affects the way they consume, process, store, and share information. These differences can vary in every child and commonly comprise dyspraxia (difficulty with motor skills), dyslexia (difficulty with reading and writing), dysgraphia (difficulty with spelling and writing) and dyscalculia (difficulty with maths calculations).
It is vital to understand that a learning disability is limited to finding it challenging to learn things. It is not similar to an intellectual disability, which affects the entire brain. Learning difficulty is commonly recognised when a child cannot learn things that kids of the same age quickly pick up.
How Can Parents Identify Learning Disability In Children?
Identifying symptoms is not easy because every child has different symptoms, and some of them even try to hide them. Many parents in Queensland are unaware of the disability until the teacher brings it to their notice or the child underperforms despite preparation and revision.
Some of the commonly visible traits of the problem include:
- Writing perfect essays but finding it hard to do simple calculations
- Perfectly answering a question but not being able to put it down on paper
- Working at a slower pace than other children and facing problems with concentration and focus
- Unable to understand directions and unable to coordinate
- Poor memory even after several repetitions
- Frequent spelling mistakes and bad handwriting
- Problems with reading
- Messy and unorganised class assignments
- Difficulty with sentence formation and expressing themselves
How to Treat Learning Disability?
Learning disabilities can be overcome with the help of teachers who are experts in the early education of children in Queensland. They make learning fun for kids and help them link learning with their perception to grasp the meaning quickly. They involve parents in the process of learning and build a friendly environment to help the kids establish self-esteem and confidence. They help inculcate early reading and writing habits with strategies that improve learning. They find ways of making the children concentrate and use games to make them understand simple maths. Parents need to identify the exact issue by talking to the teacher, interacting with the child and monitoring their progress. It will help them find the right support service for the child’s optimum growth.
Learning difficulties are not a serious problem and can be overcome to live a successful life. The key is to diagnose the problem early and get the required help from experts in Queensland.